With Hybrid Cloud is overcome the dichotomy
It' a question that is often heard: it is better to the Public Cloud or Private Cloud? We see, therefore, to find an answer that is valid regardless of the context.
To do a bit of clarity we start with the definition of some terms.
For Pubblic Cloud refers to the use of ICT physically present in the infrastructure of a cloud services provider, and for many users / customers.
Of course, the security policy of the Cloud Provider, will ensure the total separation and reliable data between different users / customers.
For private cloud means the use of ICT services physically present in the infrastructure of a company, and intended solely for the company itself. It is then the traditional date business Center? No, and for several reasons. First, optical Cloud, ICT services must be based on virtualization. But it still is not enough to talk about Cloud. It 'must be present another important feature: the self-service mode. Namely: the individual business departments, must be provided with a set of resources (software or infrastructure) that can acquire and use independently, ie Self Service. We can imagine there is a web dashboard, where such resources are available and the head of each department, the gain can, with a simple click.
It is thus of two quite different approaches to the Cloud. Which prefer then? I say bluntly that the question is outdated: today it makes sense to talk about Cloud Hybrid, which naturally exceeds the dichotomy Cloud Private / Public.

What then is the Hybrid Cloud? Imagine we have in the company of a private cloud infrastructure, "connected" to Public Cloud Provider, to taste. And imagine that this private cloud infrastructure lets you manage with the same interface, both the Cloud resources in the company (Private Cloud) that corporate cloud resources, present at one or more public Cloud providers. And imagine that, again using the same interface, you can migrate those resources to and from the Public Cloud. In our will, in self service mode at any time. Some services will be held at the company, when you need them in the company, and will be migrated to the Public Cloud if and when you need them in the Public Cloud. And because you will have to migrate in the Public Cloud? For example to have more bandwidth internet, load balancinig, high availability and much more.
So that's what the Hybrid Cloud. It is fiction? Nn, these are solutions that are already available for some time. Fully tested and working.
Therefore, Hybrid Cloud good at all!
Marco Giacomini