Software, Industry 4.0 and Cloud Services | Real Comm


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Industrial Digital Transformation







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ERP initiatives: Predictions

Gartner predicts that "more than 70% of recently implemented ERP initiatives will fail to fully meet their original business use case goals, and as many as 25% of these will fail catastrophically."1

Invest today in solutions that truly make a difference. With Real Comm, transform your digital investments into business successes with intuitive and customizable software.

Your needs are our priority. Join the companies that maximize their productivity with efficient solutions integrated into their business processes.

1Gartner, What IT Leaders Must Do to Avoid Disappointing ERP Initiatives, 10 May 2024. Gartner is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
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Results obtained following the purchase of our solutions

Our customers state the following production improvements:


Planning planned activities

Transform the complexity of production activity scheduling into a highly efficient and flexible process.


Tracking actual activities

Eliminate the inefficiencies of manual data collection and improve the accuracy and timeliness of production information.


Data analysis

Quickly identify trends, anomalies, and improvement opportunities, gaining complete visibility into your operations.

Case study

Mould construction for automotive sector

Find out how Molud Solution has digitized its production management

Go to the case study

Design and Production of Cylindrical Metal Components

Discover how this company transformed its operations and achieved its goals with the help of Real Comm

Go to the case study


Horizontal and customizable software





Production Module. It makes the entire production process flexible and dynamic: from the bill of materials to production orders.



APS (Advanced Planning & Scheduling) Module. It is dedicated to the scheduling of production activities and the management of production resources.



Module MES/MOM dedicated to the monitoring of production activities, managing both production and process data. It integrates traceability, WMS, quality plans, and maintenance.

Industry leaders who rely on us

Azienda XY

Fast and ...

Azienda XY

Fast and ...

What distinguishes Real Comm

Our strengths, consolidated over 20+ years:


Customer oriented

Focus on customer needs, simplification of operations, and automation of repetitive tasks.


AI roadmap

AI roadmap and continuous integration of valuable new features.



A naturally sustainable approach: reduction of energy consumption and optimization of network resources.

Services, support and consultancy

Cybersecurity services such as assessment and Vulnerability assessment.
Development of custom applications integrated with the most innovative AI technologies.
Consulting services to support the adoption of the GDPR.
Infrastructure and system support services. Cloud and Hybrid Cloud solutions.
Body rental for the development of customized software.
Supply of hardware (Servers, PCs, Monitors, Printers, etc...) and third-party software licenses.

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