Training Objective-C e app iOS | Real Comm srl


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Objective-C language and iOS applications: a winning combination!

Objective-C is a reflective, object-oriented programming language. It is an object extension of the C language with which it maintains complete compatibility.


Thanks to this compatibility, Objective-C does not have strong typing, but the features of its runtime system place it among the best dynamic object-oriented languages.


In Objective-C, all the classic elements of object-oriented programming are supported, but there are also innovative concepts such as the mechanism of categories and tools related to reflection.


The spread of Objective-C is mainly linked to the OpenStep framework of NeXT and its successor Cocoa, present in Apple's macOS operating system.


Real Comm supports you in training in the Objective-C language by organizing courses agreed upon with you and your company. The courses also cover the growing world of apps, in this case, iOS.