Disaster Recovery | Real Comm srl


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Disaster recovery of physical and virtual infrastructures

Real Comm specializes in disaster recovery services, which involve restoring systems, data, and the necessary physical and/or virtual VMWare or Microsoft infrastructures for the delivery of business services to companies, in the face of serious emergencies that disrupt their regular activities.

Of the companies that have suffered disasters with heavy data losses, about 43% never resumed operations, 51% closed within two years, and only 6% managed to survive in the long term.

Disaster Recovery Real Comm

The first step in planning countermeasures is to draft the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). To respond effectively to an emergency, a detailed analysis is required of:

  • The possible levels of disaster
  • The criticality of the applications/systems potentially involved
  • The application procedures, system software, and files that have been classified and documented as critical, must be restored as a priority since, by definition, they have a very low tolerance for interruptions.

The Disaster Recovery Plan will be drafted by Real Comm in close contact with the company, to analyze criticalities, potential interruptions, recovery methodology, level of Fault Tolerance, etc.

For this purpose, two parameters related to the recovery activity are defined:

  • RTO: Recovery Time Objective
    Indicates the time required for the complete recovery of the information system's operability, or similarly, it is the maximum desired downtime in a crisis situation.
    For example, an RTO of zero (impossible to have interruptions) indicates the need for a completely redundant remote replication.

  • RPO: Recovery Point Objective
    Indicates the maximum permissible data loss in a crisis situation.
    For example, if I perform a backup at 9:00 PM and the event occurs at 4:00 AM, the data modified in this interval will be lost.